An Interview with Phillip Rafferty about Kinergetics

An interview about Kinergetics with Philip Rafferty ( not by me)

Philip Rafferty of Australia is the originator of Kinergetics, so I
asked him to talk about this branch of kinesiology:
"Kinergetics is a fast, non-invasive, simple, effective method of releasing pain and
stress and locating and correcting some of the emotional and metaphysical causes
of disease. In kinergetics we obtain feedback about the state of the meridians in
the body through muscle testing. Meridians are an intricate part of a whole network
of 'circuits' interconnecting different parts and functions of the body. When these
circuits are disturbed, problems result.
"A lot of kinesiology systems have many different corrections to correct these
problems, but in some ways kinergetics only has one – this can correct any circuit.
Usually in kinergetics we load different things into the circuit and then perform the
one correction at the end. You can load information about the causes of
imbalances. The kinergetics practitioner may scan lists (of emotions or anatomical
charts, for instance) or use test kits (vaccinations, dental materials, for example)
to find the necessary emotions or blocks they need to add in before they do the
"We almost always balance hydration first because it affects the energy the most –
the whole energy system is affected by the kidney energy. Finding and correcting
the stresses that block the assimilation of water will very often correct 95% of
muscles in the body. Some people don’t drink any water because they can’t utilise
it, they just feel bloated. Obviously they get water from food, but once the blocks
to assimilation are corrected they start drinking water. At the other extreme, one
boy was drinking eight litres a day (and had major problems). After a basic
hydration correction he reduced to two litres a day.
"Next we usually correct the TMJ. Balancing the muscles around the jaw affects the
neurology of the body and consistently corrects over 95% of muscles.
"Correcting assimilation of water and the TMJ gives a really solid structural and
energetic foundation to the work. We then retest the 16 muscles. If there’s still a
muscle out of balance, (which is rarely) I load in more information and correct that.
"I developed the system in 1991, and since then kinergetics has been successful in
helping thousands of people in 17 countries. It is particularly good for easing pain as
it accesses so many different causes, structural, emotional, energetic and
"We also specialise in balancing candida and heavy metals, sabotages and stress,
and have a reputation for helping really difficult cases. One example was a lady who
came in with chronic head pain and said “if you touch my neck I will vomit.” She left
pain free, with no vomiting. Another lady had severely deformed hands and was in
chronic pain. Using a metals test kit I found it was platinum. She wore a platinum
watch and lived in a country that used platinum in catalytic converters. Months
later I received an email that she was still pain-free."
The following are some of the issues that may be addressed with a
Kinesiology balance.
Kinergetics specialises in dealing with the following:
AFFIRMATIONS - Some people say affirmations daily for years, yet when tested still
have a stress on the affirmation, so they are constantly repeating something
stressful which may be counterproductive. With this correction belief systems are
challenged and the stress related to them are cleared so that the affirmation or
new belief may take hold.
BRAIN INTEGRATION - Tests the integration of different parts of the brain. Often
brings people out of overload.
CANDIDA - Test Candida sensitivity and the muscles that will usually be out of
ELECTROLYTE BALANCE - The structure of the body relies on the energy of the
body. The energy of the body requires electrolyte minerals. These can be balanced
ELECTROMAGNETIC SUPPORT: The physical body and energy fields can be affected
by electromagnetic radiation.
HYDRATION - The Kinergetics Hydration balance is the most important correction
we do. It consistently balances over 90% of the major muscles of the body.
Dehydration is a major cause of 'dis-ease' in the body and inhibits all functions of
the body.
INTOLERANCES - Allergies: Simple testing can find substances to which you have an
energy sensitivity. Once the energy has been released related to the sensitivity,
the person may be able to consume the food or be exposed to the substance with
no further reaction.
MERCURY - Most people have some degree of sensitivity to mercury, usually
because the kidney energy is out of balance. If you have any hormonal problems you
should test mercury in relation to your glands.
MIGRAINE / HEADACHE - These can have many causes: structural, allergies,
hormonal, dehydration, stress, tmj (jaw). Kinergetics is one of the few systems
that work on all of these.
PAIN - Any energy imbalance that is causing pain may be cleared, allowing the body
to heal itself and reduce or clear pain.
SABOTAGE - Clear the stresses that caused the subconscious to create the
STRESS - Find the links of stresses that cause the reaction.
STRETCHING - See muscles stretch 20-40 degrees just with balancing the
proprioceptors energetically.
TMJ—JAW - See how balancing the muscles around the jaw will usually correct 90%
of the major muscles in the body.
VISION - Is your vision affected by emotional or metaphysical causes.
WHIPLASH - If you had a car accident 20 years ago you could still be suffering from
whiplash. It may possibly be improved by energising the tight muscles affected.
What is Neuro Linguistic Kinesiology?
Neuro linguistic kinesiology, or NLK, was developed by the kinesiologist, Wendy
Bennett. NLK incorporates all of the traditional aspects of kinesiology along with a
therapy called Neuro Linguistic Programming. The aim of NLK is to help a person to
become aware of the changes that they require in a measurable and specific way. It
is a way of improving performance in any areas of a person’s life and it is
supported by a program that can be easily and effectively used at home or at work.
More Info on Kinesiology stated in different terms:
How Does It Work?
A fundamental premise of Kinesiology is that the body has innate healing energy and
is at all times doing its best to care for itself, but that sometimes it needs to be
helped into a better position to achieve this care.
Kinesiology also recognises that there are flows of energy within the body that
relate not only to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that go to make the
body a living, feeling being.
These energy flows can be evaluated by monitoring the function of the muscles,
which in turn reflect the body's overall state of structural chemical, or emotional
In this way, Kinesiology taps into energies that the more conventional modalities
Kinesiology looks beyond the symptoms.
Kinesiology does not treat named diseases. Nor does it diagnose them.
Kinesiology is concerned with imbalances in the body's energy. In this respect,
Kinesiology has close links with the acupuncture concept of energy flow.
Why Muscle Testing?
Precision muscle monitoring techniques are applied to identify & correct energy
blockages within the body.
Always the answer is somewhere inside you. Muscle monitoring is a natural
feedback system using an indicator muscle, which supplies information via nerve
pathways and the meridian system of the Brain and Body.
Kinesiology bypasses conscious thinking processes to isolate causal factors in the
subconscious, body and etheric levels. Honouring this system enables the body to
clear itself at its own enhanced rate and priority.
Put Simply
Kinesiology is a non-invasive method, using precision muscle feedback and body
awareness that can help you to reduce stress and pain, improve performance at
school, work and home, in sports, in relationships, and promotes health and
wellbeing. Kinesiology helps one access the inner knowing and find again the power
of choice in one’s life.

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